Thursday, March 25, 2010

Guessing Game

You know me. . .I don't do things half way. That's why I wanted to initiate this guessing game.

Can you guess what this picture is?

Irrelevant fact: it was constructed out of Skittles

  • it resembles the original pictures (or at least I'm hoping it does)
  • the B&W effect is supposed to emphasize the subject of the picture

You probably just want me to get to the point, don't you? Okay, then I'll give you one more hint:

You're still not sure? Well, then I guess I'll just tell you. . .

The Tiner family is about to become a little less teeny because we are expecting a baby on September 25th!

I am 13 weeks pregnant, and although you might not guess it by looking at me, I have a bit of a baby bump. I can't wait until it's big enough that it doesn't just look like I'm chubby!

Sorry my guessing game wasn't a very good one, but at least now you know the big news!

(And I just noticed the excessive number of exclamation marks used in the last four sentences. That right there should tell you just how excited we are.)


ejnorton said...

Sweet! What a great photo and reproduction in Skittles. That was an idea of creative genius!

Asher took a good look at the little peanut, and sighed. He must know something of the long road ahead. ;)

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your exciting news!

Kelly and Steve said...

The last message was from both of us - Kelly

Carly said...

yeah! I am so happy for you! I hope you are feeling okay. this means you have to update more;)

LStevens said...

Congrats, That is awesome!!

All Handleys on Deck! said...

Congratulations!!! We're so excited for you both!! Looks like you might have to change the name of your blog! =)

Sarah and Scott said...


Unknown said...

I hadn't checked your blog for a while because, you know, you hardly ever write anything... but the two most recent entries were quite entertaining. And now I'm sad I missed the m*ms birth announcement... even though, you know, I already knew. And congrats on the little boy!!