Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Mr. Fix-It (Week 39/52)

Unfortunately, no pictures for this one, but it's too cute not to mention.

For his birthday, Colin got a little motorized car (looks kind of like a mini 4-wheeler) that he can sit on and ride around with the push of a button. He also got a whole tool bench complete with a set of plastic tools. Now that he has all of these things at his disposal, one of his favorite activities is to turn his car over on its side and "fix it" with his tools, just like his mechanic Grandpa does every day at work.

He has started racing to get his little tools every time he thinks something needs fixing, and he's always willing to do the job, although if he can't do it, he assures me Daddy will fix it later.

It's so fun to see how much he mimics everything we do!

1 comment:

Niki said...

Cute, cute, cute! We've been "fixing" a few things in our house and Millie tries to help. She doesn't assure me Daddy can fix anything though. Hmmmm....

Buck's learning :)